Tuesday, October 30, 2012

~Welcome to my blog!
   So lately I've been finding myself salivating over websites and blogs that share ideas on anywhere from making your own facial masks to homemade laundry soap.  Frankly it makes me dizzy with excitement.  
   The idea of making my own household cleaners and making yumizzy foods that don't jump off my fork only to do a nose dive for my hips, makes this biddy giddy!!
   By no means is this dizzy blog internationally known...but it's my contribution to whoever desires oneness with their toilet bowl cleaning universe and a healthier way of eating.  This is my journey...just thought I'd drag you along with me.  You're welcome!! 
   So enjoy these tips and recipes, and feel free to share your own ideas.  But please, no negatory on my page...no, no, no....negativity will get this dizzy biddy giving you the homemade boot!!



Juaneice said...

Wow. This is so amazing! Looking forward to so much more!

the dizzy biddy said...

Thank you Juaneice! I'm working on a few new things now...can't wait to post. Also, something really fun coming up for my follower..stay tuned!! ;-D