Friday, November 2, 2012

All Purpose Cleaner

~ Rosemary Lemon All Purpose Cleaner
   Remember the orange and lemon peels I had you grind up?  Well here's another use.  I had plenty left over so I got dizzy bizzy on a trying a new recipe.   I love the idea of NOT spraying toxic chemicals all over the house.  So I got right to it.

Here's what you need to get this started:  Make your infused vinegar.

1/4 cup dried rosemary
1/4 cup dried lemon peels (ground into a coarse powder)
1 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar

Combine these ingredients into a jar with a lid.  Gently shake to mix well and store for 2 weeks.  Occasionally shake it up a bit.  But don't get dizzy!! 

In 2 weeks strain your infused vinegar thru a coffee filter into a bowl or a glass measuring cup.  

Now to the recipe, in a large spray bottle add:
   ~infused vinegar
   ~1 cup white vinegar
   ~30 drops of essential oils (15 lemon, 15 rosemary)

There are other combinations of scents you can use, but I like using lemon for it's sweet smell and natural disinfecting super dizzy powers.  Ok, not really but doesn't it sound good?

I've also read that you can use Vegetable Glycerin to these kinds of homemade cleaners as a natural preservative.  I'll check into it and you will be the first to know.   Or you can check!

I sure don't claim to know it all...and this blog is basically me  sharing my tested and proven recipes and tips.  

Are you dizzy?

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