Tuesday, October 30, 2012

 A Little Biddy Laundry Soap

Your measurements should be a 2:1:1 ratio.

1 Zote Bar (6 Cups Grated)
3 Cups Borax
3 Cups Washing Soda

1 Zote bar:  I like the Pink because it smells so good!

Use a handheld cheese grater to grate the entire bar of soap.  FYI, don't try to use your food processor for this step because the soap is very soft and will just gum up.  

In a large bowl, add 3 Cups Borax and 3 Cups Washing Soda to your grated Zote bar.  You can use your hands for this part.  Mix it all together.  

Next:  Using your Dizzy food processor, blend well into a powder! 

And voila!!
Directions:  Use 2 TBSP for a regular load
Use 1 TBSP for a small load
Use 1/4 for extra large loads like towels


Kristin said...

Will this work for he(high efficiency) washers?

the dizzy biddy said...

Yes! It works great! I just take the cup you use for liquid detergent out and put the powder right there in it's spot! I was worried about that, because I'm use to using liquid...but was pleasantly surprised. ;-D