Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chai Tea~Vanilla Protein Shake

I love me some Chai tea...can't get enough of it.  So after my workout one night, I was really craving it...but needed to get some protein too.  So my dizzy mind started spinning.

What I did was made a cup of Chai Tea and then let it cool in the fridge.  Then, I poured that tea into the blender adding enough water to make 12 oz.  Next, I added 1 scoop of Vanilla flavored protein powder and that's it.

It was delicious, although next time I will add a little Almond milk to make it a creamier.  There are so many options if you don't like whey protein, like using rice, or pea proteins. I prefer whey, but that's just this biddy's thing!!
If you like it a little sweeter..add a tsp of agave nectar or honey.
Try it...see what you think!!

Be healthy, and God bless!


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