Saturday, April 6, 2013

Biddy Basics

Itty Biddy Basics~

If you're like me, you search websites for ideas and homemade recipes to get certain jobs done.  Do this for window cleaner, do that for scrubs.  AAAAAH....makes me dizzy, how bout you?

I have found that certain items have been repeating throughout the websites I've checked out.  So I've put together a small list of basic ingredients that most of you will have in your house right now.  I will also give you the estimated price I paid so that you frugal biddy's can see how affordable this really is.

Please Note, though a couple of these are slightly pricier, these particular items will also last you the longest.  For example, the Castile Soap and Essential oils will be items you won't be purchasing very often.  I suppose it depends on how conservative you are.   With that will be making several recipes before needing to buy any of these items again. 

Distilled White Vinegar (Walmart).............................................1 Gal - $2.89
Hydrogen Peroxide  (Kroger/Fry's)...........................................16oz - $1.50
Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing alcohol)........................................12oz - $1.50
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (Walmart)...................................2lbs - $1.80
Dawn Dish Soap (On Sale w/ a coupon)...................................9oz - $1.00
Dr. Bonners Castile Soap, Lavender (Target)........................16oz - $9.00
Lemon Essential Oil (Sprouts)................................................ .5oz - $7.50

20 Mule Team Borax (Walmart)................................................4lbs - $3.00
Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (Walmart)...................3lbs - $3.00
ZOTE Bar, Pink scent (Walmart & some Lowe's)...................14.1oz - $1.00

 I use an empty protein powder container to store my homemade laundry soap.

32 oz empty spray bottle (Walmart) found by the brooms and mops....32oz - $1.00

So that's it my fellow biddy's!  This is my list of basics to get you started on your journey to dizziness!  I know that you will be just as happy as I am, knowing you are saving money and not spraying, scrubbing or washing with all that "yucky" stuff.  That's my professional lingo...did you like it?

God Bless!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too used to use this recipe for my laundry soap- but then I discovered it wasn't cloth diaper friendly.