Friday, April 26, 2013

Stain Remover! Kapow!


"I searched the world over, and thought I found true love...Stains met another and pthwt they were gone!"

     Now I KNOW some of you knew exactly what I was singing...don't say you didn't!!  For you young biddy' don't know what you are missing!!  Just ask your parents.

     This next recipe, you can thank my sister Shelley...(Shout out to the sista!).   She asked me to find a recipe for a homemade stain remover.  Searched many sites...but this one I found on a great site POPSUGAR.  So I'm giving props to POPS!!  But don't you biddy's leave me for another stay right here!!

Get your pen and paper...there's quit a bit to write down.  You ready for this?

Homemade Stain Remover #1:  Warning: the use of peroxide works like 
                                                                bleach.  Do not use on dark clothing.
1 Tbsp Dawn dish soap
2 Tbsp Baking soda
2 Tbsp Hydrogen Peroxide

That's it!!  Fooled ya again! 

In a small bowl mix these together.  I put mine in this cheapie little bottle I got at Wally~Mart (Formerly known as Walmart).'s the catch.  As I'm noticing with a lot of these recipes that call for baking soda or washing need to shake the bottle a bit before use.  Do a little dance,  jig a little,  get dizzy....I don't really care what you do in the privacy of your own home.  (It's really none of my business).

I used this on thehubster's white shirt.  It had a little ring around the collar and a small stain on the front.   Hence...exhibit A  (well, the only exhibit).  Was pleasantly surprised how well it worked.   Although..I think next time I will let it sit a little longer.  I was so excited, I didn't wait very long before washing it.  This biddy is a LITTLE impatient.  The little stain came completely out..but the collar needed more time soaking.

Here's another recipe that was just as easy:

Stain Remover #2:  Warning: the use of peroxide works like 
                                         bleach.  Do not use on dark clothing.  
1 Tbsp Dawn dish soap
1 Tbsp Hydrogen Peroxide

There's really not much else to it.  ...So there!

Enjoy your fight against stains and whatever else you wanna fight about.  <<wink>>


Cassandra H. said...

Thank you for specifying that it works as a bleach. One web site did not do so and now I have big bleach stains on my carpet :( but the stain is gone! It worked great.

the dizzy biddy said...

Oh no Cassandra!!! So sorry that happened to you! I will be posting alternative soon! But yes, it works wonders on whites!!