Sunday, December 7, 2014

A No Good, Very Bad Mom!!

     Picture this, dizzy sitting on her lazy buttocks, resting her feet.  After all, I did just finish doing 23 loads of laundry (ok, it was only 5), cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the living daylights out of the floors with a vacuum cleaner from the early 90's!  Ya, I must be lazy!  Who am I to sit here and do nothing...I mean, it's nearly 5:30pm and I haven't even thought about dinner.  Cheeto's it is!!  I must be a bad mom!!

     Back to me being lazy.  Sitting here, looking around the kitchen, my tired eyeballs stop and fixate on a spot on the wall where we, periodically but not consistently, mark my offspring's height and date.  Reminiscing back to our old house where we use to mark up the inside of our pantry door, I recalled having to write down all the dates and measurements, to take with us when we moved. You know, because we couldn't take the door.  Pfft!!  Then I realized...I have NO IDEA WHERE THAT PIECE OF PAPER IS!  I'm no good.  Then my mind considers the thought of moving from this house...what will I do with these new markings, and how terrible that they cant be with the old markings.  Then what??  I suck.

     Of coarse at this point in my self reflecting, I'm rudely interrupted by "what's for dinner?".  Dang just ate 6 hours ago.  Yup, no good! 

     Contemplating the nutritional value of those Cheeto's, I realize that I do not have any current family pictures on the wall.  As a matter of dizzy fact, all I have on the walls are a few pictures of my when he was 2ish.  See, I can't even tell you how old he was in the picture.  Shameful.  Wait a second, we just had family pictures three years ago.  Where are those suckers?

     But then, I realize that even if I found those pictures...surely I cannot hang them on the wall.  After all, that was when I was working out,!  I was in the best shape of my life.  If I hang those, it would be a sham.  A disgrace.  A reminder of just how incredibly lazy I am.  {{insert dramatic music, and a heartfelt Whoa-is-me}}.  I mean, what if someone were to come over (when my house is clean, of coarse) and see those pictures.  How would I explain that was me.  No good, very bad...yep...that's it!

     So now that I've just opened THAT wound, and riddled with guilt and kiddo just came to me and told me not to worry about dinner, he just fixed himself a pizza.  YAY ME!...I'm off the hook. hec-hem...I mean, drat...I dropped the ball again.  See. I'm so terrible!  My kid is learning to get along without me...he doesn't need me anymore.  I've lost his heights and measurements, I didn't cook his dinner and serve it to him with a napkin and a tall glass of milk!  UUUGGHHH!!!  I'm not skinny anymore, I don't have my halls adorned with family pictures.  I'm still sitting here....doing nothing!  

.....and scene...

   After reading this award winning post to the husband, he replies, "You're a mess".   

This really speaks to me....

....What about you?  Are you a NO GOOD, VERY BAD MOM?

~stay dizZy

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Love your transparency! We all have days like this. You are normal and you have a wonderful family who loves you and gives you grace. We were never made to do it all.