Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dizzy Wipes

Let's get dizzy-wit-it!

Ok, so loving the idea of homemade 'Lysol' wipes.  We go thru these things like...well...ya know.  They are so expensive and it just doesn't seem right to spend so much money on something that get's thrown in the trash after one use. 

There are many sites that give recipes for these wipes.  All one must do is type in "homemade cleaning recipes" and wall-ah!   This biddy gets jiggy when I stumble upon a new site.  So many peeps eliminating toxic junk from their household...simply amazing.

I found a few recipes for cleaning wipes,  but I went with the easiest one, cuz that's how I roll.  I mean, isn't that what this is all about?  Making our dizzy biddy lives easier and hopefully healthier?  ....That's what I thought you'd say!   So here we go.

I went to Wallymart (formerly know as Walmart) and picked up a 3 qt jar with a clamping lid.  Makes it look so homemade and domestic.  I also went to the fabric department a got a yard of light fleece fabric that I could get scissor happy with and cut into squares.  Now you most definitely could cut up and old t-shirt....like maybe one that your hubster's been wearing for 20 years that he still thinks he looks fine in...(oh, I'm rambling...sorry)  hec-hem....

After cutting the fabric into squares, I folded them loosely and began stacking them in the empty jar.  

Note:  If you don't want to purchase a new fancy jar, just take an empty baby wipe container and put your fabric squares in that.  Yippy~skippy!

Time to mix it up....

Recipe for dizzy wipes
1 3/4 cups water
1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
1 1/2  tbsp. dawn dish soap
    **Add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil if you prefer a  
      different scent. 

Gently mix together and pour into your jar, covering your fabric squares.

I plan on keeping a small basket in the laundry room to throw my used wipes in.  They can be washed with other dish towels and be used over and over.

Optional recipes found from liverenewed.com 

A:  1 cup warm water
     2 Tbsp Vinegar
     1/2 Tbsp natural dish soap or Dawn
     8-10 drops Lemon Essential oil
          *I personally would add a Tbsp of rubbing alocohol to this 

B:  1 cup warm water

     2 Tbsp Castile Soap  (Comes scented too..)
     8-10 drops Tea Tree Oil  (TTO)  Use if you have unscented Castile   

Warning:  From what I have read, rubbing alcohol may damage some  

                wood finishes.  Use with caution.  My dining room table  
                has a finish on it...will most likely not use this wipe on my 

Are you doing the happy dance yet? 
This biddy's out!  Enjoy...


Jeanette said...

I like this & I will try it. Lord knows I have lots of old sheets,undershirts and who knows what else is lurking in my rag basket!

the dizzy biddy said...

I did a little bit of research on rubbing alcohol...it seems some say its ok to use and others say it's not. Your thoughts?