Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Body Scrubs

      I wish I would have tried making these a long time ago.  My hands have never been softer.  Oh and the smells...this blog will not do it justice. 

      I've been in the kitchen this morning for 4 hours...playing with food.  You don't hear that very much do ya?  Nonetheless...it was so much fun and I walked away from my play time with 3 body scrubs and 1 hands & Feet scrub.  But don't you worry little biddy...I have a couple more recipes I want to try.  

     I searched many websites and blogs learning the basics of what goes into a homemade scrub. Finding out that some require refrigeration and the shelf life vary from each scrub from 3 to 12 months.   So there are some key points that I will post with each recipe.  What you can trust is that each one of these recipes are original.  I took what I found online and created my own. 

     So lets get started!

Scrub #1

Oatmeal ~ Brown Sugar Body Scrub

1/4 Cup  Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup White Granulated Sugar
1/4 Cup Sea Salt
2 Tbsp  Yardley Oatmeal & Almond Bath Bar (finely grated) OR
           dizzy's Oatmeal Milk & Honey Soap
2 Tbsp   Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil or Almond Oil

In a small bowl, combine brown sugar and grated bath bar.  Then add the Burt's Bees oil.  Shelf life is approx. 6 months.

Scrub #2

Honey ~ Almond Hands & Feet

1/2 Cup White Granulated Sugar
1/2 Cup Fine Sea Salt
2 Tbsp Honey
2 Tbsp.  Burt's Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Body Oil OR Sweet Almond Oil
1 Tbsp   Water

In a small bowl, combine sugar and salt.  Then, add honey.  This will take some mixing.  The honey does not easily stir...you kind of want to use a mix and chop technique.  (that was an official dizzy biddy term.)  Last add the body oil.

This scrub is slightly more abrasive...but is great to exfoliate.  You can try this as a body scrub...but be careful biddy's!  If you have sensitive skin...keep this for your hands and feet only. 
Shelf life is between 6-12 months.

Scrub #3

Mocha Latte ~

1 Tbsp  Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1/4 Cup  Coffee Grounds
1/4 Cup  Fine Sea Salt
1/4 Cup  Sunflower Oil  (I found this at Trader Joes) OR Coconut Oil
In a small bowl, combine coffee grounds, sea salt and cocoa powder.  Then mix in the sunflower oil.  So easy. 
Shelf life is for this is only 2-3 weeks.  Keep an dizzy eye on it.
Scrub #4
Gentle Lavender ~ Sugar Scrub

1/4 Cup  Yardley English Lavender Bath Bar (finely grated) OR dizzy's       
             Lavender soap
1/2 Cup  White granulated Sugar
1/4 Cup  Sea Salt
1   Tbsp Dried Lavender Leaves
1/4 Cup  Sunflower Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, or Coconut Oil (melted)
In a small bowl, combine grated Lavender bar, sugar, and lavender leaves.  Then mix in the sunflower oil.  This smell heavenly!!
Shelf life is 12 months, but store in a dry, cool place.


Scrub #5
Vanilla ~ Mint Body Scrub

1/2 Cup White Granulated Sugar
1/2 Cup Fine Sea Salt
1 Tbsp   Brown Sugar
1 Tsp     Vanilla Extract
1/2 Tsp  Mint Extract
1/4 Cup   Sunflower, Coconut or Almond Oil

**Updated 5/10  After making the initial recipe, I added a bit more oil.  The first recipe was too dry.  The above recipe reflects the change.  But if you want more oil..add it.  This is just a basic recipe. 

     In a small bowl, mix together sugar, salt and brown sugar.  Then add the extracts and oil.

Shelf life is approx. 12 months if stored in a dry cool place.

Other Scrub scents:

Using chamomile tea and ground dried rosemary. Also add 3-4 drops of lemongrass essential oil.  Follow the same recipe as the Lavender scrub!  Love this one!!

Honey Body Wash: (This recipe was also added to the Honey Post)

1 Cup Light Olive oil
1/2 Cup Honey
1/2 Cup Liquid hand soap (I prefer unscented, natural)
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract

You can buy a travel size shampoo container or reuse an empty dish soap container and keep this in your shower. Um...I think yes!


So there you go!  Soft, vibrant, beautiful skin awaits you!!

     Here are the basics I read about making your own body scrubs:

1- Exfoliant

   Salt, Sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, almond meal.

   Salt and sugars have a longer shelf life

   Oatmeal scrubs using raw ground oatmeal, needs to be refrigerated.

   When using sugar, you want to you 2x's more sugar than oil, otherwise the
   sugar will begin to dissolve rapidly.   Then you have Mush!! 

2 - Carrier Oil - Base Oil

    Sunflower Oil (a lighter oil), Coconut oil, Almond oil (found in Burt's Bees 
    Body Oil), Jojoba Oil (absorbs quickly)

3 - Fragrance - Essential Oils

    In the above recipes I didn't use any essential oils because the other items have enough scent for me.  Although the next recipe I want to try is raw oatmeal with essential oil.  That recipe coming soon.

     Avoid "fragrance oils"  they are synthetic.

So there you have it!!  A product of my madness. You're welcome.

God bless!!


Samantha Buckeye, AZ said...

Just received dizzy's lavender sugar scrub as a gift!!I seriously look forward to this aroma every morning and evening!!! Hands face body where ever! Want to bottle it up in a to go body spray!! Just enough to not over power but also a great way to hydrate the skin!! Anyways well done dizzy! Love!

the dizzy biddy said...

Thanks Samantha!!! Glad you liked the Lavender Sugar..its my fav too!! ;-)