Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Samantha's dizzy~baby Wipes

     My friend Samantha has a little one at home...and another one on the way.  She came up with this recipe for homemade baby wipes that I think is pretty awesomeness!!   My baby is grown...and probably would NOT appreciate me wiping his backside.   Butt, I thought this was a clever idea and it needed to be added to my humble lil blog. 

     Here's the recipe:

Samantha's dizzy~baby wipes

2   Cups boiling water
1   Tsp baby shampoo
1   Tsp baby lotion
1   Tsp Mineral Oil
1   Tsp Distilled White Vinegar

Stir all ingredients together to make sure it's well blended and dissolved. (this is where you do your dizzy dance) 

Pour mixture over a 10 inch stack of folded cloth wipes.  Easily made from receiving blankets.  Let sit for 5 minutes then flip over to make sure all the wipes have absorbed the liquid.

These can be washed and reused after...hec-hem.. <<wink>>  That is, after you've suckered your hubster into cleaning up a good one.  hee-hee.

Thanks Samantha for sharing this!!  You are so dizzy!!

Many blessings!

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