Monday, July 8, 2013

Nutritional Yeast Seasoning


     Why, why....WHY haven't I heard about this glorious seasoning until now.  I almost didn't want to blog about it, cuz then you all will know about it, then you'll tell someone and then the store will run out because all of you will become seasoning hoarders and buy it up. (Long winded)   Yes, I agree this sounds selfish.  I'm ok with that.  But I will throw caution to the wind and let you in on my new found love.

     Ok, ok...Nutritional Yeast Seasoning has been around longer than I've been alive.  But for me it's brand spank'n new and I'm super giddy.  If you are a regular reader of my nonsense, you'll know that my blog is not like any other.  I'm just a silly girl who woke up one day and decided to do things differently.  Just me...writing about what I'm learning, hoping there will be someone out there who can benefit from this blind leader.  <<wink>>

     Back to this awesome ingredient.  Here are some fun facts I learned about Nutritional Yeast Seasoning.  The website sources I will post at the bottom.

So What Is Nutritional Yeast Seasoning?
It is yeast that is grown on Molasses or Beet Sugar, fermented and dried, so it is gluten free and non-yeast forming in the body.

Basic Info:
Vegan, Vegetarian, Organic, Gluten Free, Salt Free, Sugar Free, Kosher Certified, Non GMO and non dairy!

WOW! That's enough for me to use...but wait, there's more!

Non animal source of B complex, and natural B12
Good for the Nervous System
Promotes proper Food Metabolism
Aids in the growth of Red Blood Cells

Here's my scientific research on this awesomeness:

Rich in 15 Trace Minerals including Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Chromium and Selenium.

OK, I didn't know what a few of these were, or why we need I put my biddy glasses on and started dig'n in.

For healthy teeth and bones, helps body create energy, helps body absorb Vitamin B.

**Lack of Phosphorus; Fatigue and weakness in different areas of the body and anxiety!  Woooah!!  (

**Too Much Phosphorus:  Can affect Calcium levels.  Junk foods and fast foods have too much of this.

Also, you need magnesium to help absorb phosphorus.

Assists in burning Carbs and Fat!  Um...yes please!!
Provides blood sugar to cells, and potentially helps curb cravings for sugar and sweets. (

I'll have a little of that please!

*Helps body make efficient use of oxygen
*Works with Vitamin E to remove toxins from the body
*Regulates the function of the thyroid gland along with many 

Folic Acid:  Cell maintenance & production

Fiber:  Regulates blood sugar.  Has 1 gram of fiber per Tbsp

Protein:  6 grams per 2 Tbsp = to 1 cup whole milk, 1 egg or 
                    1 ounce of beef.

B12:  1/2-1 Tbsp provides full amount of vitamin B12 needed 
           for and adult in a day.  I'm in!!

     I was not sure of this seasoning, and really hesitant to try it.  With that said...I'm hooked!  Tonight I made spaghetti squash with turkey kielbasa, topped with fresh herbs and Nutrition Yeast.  Um...yes!!  It has a cheesy, nutty flavor. 
     Totally throwing out that shredded paper they call grated parmesan sho!!!  

    There are so many foods you can use this for, like popcorn, pasta dishes, rice, salads....the list goes on.  Go to to get more info on this.  There's also this fun video about it...kind of funny though.  Kind of looks like it was made in the 70's...and the girl cracks me up as she's sprinkling it on her popcorn.  Made me giggle!

    So what do you think?  Awesomeness, right?  Excuse me while I go find something to sprinkle it on....hmmmm....

God bless you my sweet biddy's...and stay dizzy!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm going to try some!!!