10 yrs ago, when I was 31, I had a complete hysterectomy. Yep, they took the pipes and the kitchen sink. Unfortunately, back then I wasn't given a lot of options to deal with my endometriosis and so I blindly trusted my soon to retire dr. Immediately after the surgery I was prescribed Estrodial, a hormone replacement therapy. I asked my doctor, how long I should take it? His response..."How long do you want to stay young and beautiful?" There were no warnings or guidelines given...just take it! I have to say, that the last 10 yrs have been great...no hot flashes, nor any signs of menopause at all. Easy breezy!
After much research on my magic little pill I realized that most patients who are put on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) only take it for 3-5 years, and it's for woman much later in years who are going through menopause naturally. HRT isn't meant to be taken for the rest of your life. I finally wised up and decided to wean myself off of this pill. I started July 1st and it's been a week and a half since my last dose.
Which brings me to today. Life sucks! There...I said it!
Here I am at age (hec-hem) 41 and I'm in INSTANT MENOPAUSE. No grace period...no gradual hints of a changing body. BAM....hot flashes in full force, sleepless nights, fatigue. The stress my body is under is incredible. I have never felt this bad.
Let me just give you but a glimpse of what a hot flash feels like...here's my combination...bare with me.
One minute you are perfectly fine...feeling good...then..
a warm tingly sensation starts at your core (kind of like when you have a fever) then moves to your chest,arms and neck
immediately followed by what I like to call "the oven door". Imagine opening a hot oven..ya know like when that heat first hits your skin...ya...booooo! Then the feeling of pressure in your forehead and temples.
Followed by instant wet sticky skin...sorry, that sounds gross...and it is! I'm talking about the tops of your arms and your neck and belly. It only lasts for about a minute or two
One miserable hot flash!
Now, you're thinking "Only a minute or two..that's not bad" Ya, now repeat that about ever couple of hours throughout the day. After going thru this over and over...bouts of fatigue set in.
At night? That's an entirely different story. I decided to make a record of a typical night in the life of "hot flash dizzy"....(HF=Hot flash)
8pm - HF,
kick off all the covers because I'm sweat'n...2 min later I'm freezing...cover back up (repeat after every hot flash)
9pm- Headache...took Excedrin
9:30- HF
10:30-HF - Worst one...this one made me cry, didn't go back
to sleep till about 10:50pm
12am- HF - not so bad
3:15am - HF...by this time I'm exhausted
4:25am - HF
5:45am - Headache...never went back to sleep.
Not every night is this bad...but this week I had 2 nights in a row that were like this and it completely wiped me out! It's not fun.
You're prolly think'n..."wow, dizzy's a whiner". Um...duh!! I'll take it. It sucks that bad. That's why this is my blog and I can write what I want to! {insert, sticking out my tongue in a childish manner} But the purpose in sharing this..is to hopefully help or encourage others who are in similar circumstances. You are not alone. In fact, my twin sister Shelley (Holla) is going through the same thing, and it has helped me so much being able to vent and grumble to her.
I've also resulted to supplements. A couple of weeks ago, while I was at the end of the weaning process, I bought Estroven (Found at Sprouts and Trader Joe's). It seemed to help because I was taking it on the off days when I wasn't taking the Estrodial. I thought..."wow, I got this".
Here's the thing. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I work out daily, eat about 90% Paleo ( I say that cuz I'm not really "paleo"...but darn close. I don't like labels) I'm doing all that I can to help my body function the best that it can. I believe in the Word of God when it says our body is a temple. God gave me this body...I should care for it.
With that said...the hormone/menopause thing...ya, totally out of my control. I also realized today, that I don't pray enough about it. God is in control...He created woman. He knows exactly what I'm dealing with, so I should pray more often.
I've committed to leaning on Him during those times of weakness. During the really hard times (and the not-so-hard times). If it matters to me...it most certainly matters to Him. He cares about my struggles, He cares about the condition of my heart...and He undoubtedly cares about my physical well being.
I will get through this unpleasant transition...how long will it take...who knows? But it won't be forever...so for today, I'll ride this emotional and physical roller coaster, knowing this does have an ending (after a few loopedy-loops!) ...I may or may not toss my gluten free cookies...no tell'n. <<wink>>
....Aaaah...this felt good. Thanks for reading, I hope you were encouraged. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to pop a primrose and stand in a cold shower!
God bless!
~stay dizzy
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