I love my offspring....the end.
Or is it?
I wonder sometimes if I truly fit in with my other school age mamma's. Some home school their kiddo's (BIG kudos to them!!) Some are volunteer ninjas. You know the type...they are at every event & every field trip. Totally not dissing that! It's just not me. But is this how we measure how truly important our kids are to us? Some mamma's are just wired that way. So why not me?
Oh the guilt and shame pouring down on me when I see that permission slip for a field trip. And right there at the bottom...that box! You know the one... "please check here, if you'd like to be a volunteer for this field trip" And the box seems to jump off the page and slap me in the face. It taunts me...saying... "hey loser...if you wanna be cool, check me". I actually stare at it for minutes, battling at the decision. Quickly I'm let off the hook because my kid doesn't really want me going anyway. Probably afraid I'll embarrass him. Smart kid!
With that said, I give huge props to all the teachers and faculty who are gifted with the ability to teach our kids. They are a special breed! Love them! And for the parents who take time out of their schedules to volunteer so that field trips are run smoothly. After all, I am trusting my kid with them. SCARY! ....on second thought, maybe I should go.
....and the cycle of guilt begins. This is the life of dizzy. I never said I was perfect.
Don't get me wrong, I did all sorts of volunteering when he was younger. It was fun. He was so cute, and innocent and loved me being there. But he's in junior high now. Enough said.
You might think this is highly exaggerated...nope! All of us mammas have SOMETHING that makes us feel guilty, because other moms excel in a particular area. Right? Like the mom who keeps her home spotless....ready for company at any given notice. Or the mom who prepares dinner EVERY DAY for her family well in advance. (WHY do they have to eat?) Or maybe there's that mom that is so gentle, soft spoken and patient to her child. I, for one, fall short in ALL of these areas. I AM NOT SUPERMOM! But here's what I'm good at....
I make sure I tell my son that I love him every morning! When I get him from school, I ALWAYS tell him "I missed you today". At night I pray with him, and kiss his freckle on his cheek and say "I love your guts". I help him with his homework, and careful to be a good listener when he vents about his social issues at school. I'm his comforter, counselor, and his teacher and here's the biggie...I'm his prayer partner.
Yes, I fall short in SOOOO many areas. But I can't let that define me as a mom. I do the best I can. I can't be you or anyone else. And there is nothing wrong with me!! I am exactly the mom God created me to be.
I'll finish with this...have fun on that 2 hour bus trip with a bunch of drama filled kids, listening to the exact same song being sung over, and over, and over. Or perhaps listening to boys who have a mouth like a sailer. (I know, not your kid.. LOL) Have fun trying to keep track of your group and their sack lunches. Yep...good times! Not my circus, not my monkeys! heeheee And I'm ok with it.
~stay dizZy
the dizzy biddy
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Sunday, December 7, 2014
A No Good, Very Bad Mom!!
Picture this, dizzy sitting on her lazy buttocks, resting her feet. After all, I did just finish doing 23 loads of laundry (ok, it was only 5), cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the living daylights out of the floors with a vacuum cleaner from the early 90's! Ya, I must be lazy! Who am I to sit here and do nothing...I mean, it's nearly 5:30pm and I haven't even thought about dinner. Cheeto's it is!! I must be a bad mom!!
Back to me being lazy. Sitting here, looking around the kitchen, my tired eyeballs stop and fixate on a spot on the wall where we, periodically but not consistently, mark my offspring's height and date. Reminiscing back to our old house where we use to mark up the inside of our pantry door, I recalled having to write down all the dates and measurements, to take with us when we moved. You know, because we couldn't take the door. Pfft!! Then I realized...I have NO IDEA WHERE THAT PIECE OF PAPER IS! I'm no good. Then my mind considers the thought of moving from this house...what will I do with these new markings, and how terrible that they cant be with the old markings. Then what?? I suck.
Of coarse at this point in my self reflecting, I'm rudely interrupted by "what's for dinner?". Dang people...you just ate 6 hours ago. Yup, no good!
Contemplating the nutritional value of those Cheeto's, I realize that I do not have any current family pictures on the wall. As a matter of dizzy fact, all I have on the walls are a few pictures of my son....like when he was 2ish. See, I can't even tell you how old he was in the picture. Shameful. Wait a second, we just had family pictures taken...like three years ago. Where are those suckers?
But then, I realize that even if I found those pictures...surely I cannot hang them on the wall. After all, that was when I was working out, every.darn.day! I was in the best shape of my life. If I hang those, it would be a sham. A disgrace. A reminder of just how incredibly lazy I am. {{insert dramatic music, and a heartfelt Whoa-is-me}}. I mean, what if someone were to come over (when my house is clean, of coarse) and see those pictures. How would I explain that was me. No good, very bad...yep...that's it!
So now that I've just opened THAT wound, and riddled with guilt and shame....my kiddo just came to me and told me not to worry about dinner, he just fixed himself a pizza. YAY ME!...I'm off the hook. hec-hem...I mean, drat...I dropped the ball again. See. I'm so terrible! My kid is learning to get along without me...he doesn't need me anymore. I've lost his heights and measurements, I didn't cook his dinner and serve it to him with a napkin and a tall glass of milk! UUUGGHHH!!! I'm not skinny anymore, I don't have my halls adorned with family pictures. I'm still sitting here....doing nothing!
.....and scene...
After reading this award winning post to the husband, he replies, "You're a mess".
This really speaks to me....
....What about you? Are you a NO GOOD, VERY BAD MOM?
~stay dizZy
Back to me being lazy. Sitting here, looking around the kitchen, my tired eyeballs stop and fixate on a spot on the wall where we, periodically but not consistently, mark my offspring's height and date. Reminiscing back to our old house where we use to mark up the inside of our pantry door, I recalled having to write down all the dates and measurements, to take with us when we moved. You know, because we couldn't take the door. Pfft!! Then I realized...I have NO IDEA WHERE THAT PIECE OF PAPER IS! I'm no good. Then my mind considers the thought of moving from this house...what will I do with these new markings, and how terrible that they cant be with the old markings. Then what?? I suck.
Of coarse at this point in my self reflecting, I'm rudely interrupted by "what's for dinner?". Dang people...you just ate 6 hours ago. Yup, no good!
Contemplating the nutritional value of those Cheeto's, I realize that I do not have any current family pictures on the wall. As a matter of dizzy fact, all I have on the walls are a few pictures of my son....like when he was 2ish. See, I can't even tell you how old he was in the picture. Shameful. Wait a second, we just had family pictures taken...like three years ago. Where are those suckers?
But then, I realize that even if I found those pictures...surely I cannot hang them on the wall. After all, that was when I was working out, every.darn.day! I was in the best shape of my life. If I hang those, it would be a sham. A disgrace. A reminder of just how incredibly lazy I am. {{insert dramatic music, and a heartfelt Whoa-is-me}}. I mean, what if someone were to come over (when my house is clean, of coarse) and see those pictures. How would I explain that was me. No good, very bad...yep...that's it!
So now that I've just opened THAT wound, and riddled with guilt and shame....my kiddo just came to me and told me not to worry about dinner, he just fixed himself a pizza. YAY ME!...I'm off the hook. hec-hem...I mean, drat...I dropped the ball again. See. I'm so terrible! My kid is learning to get along without me...he doesn't need me anymore. I've lost his heights and measurements, I didn't cook his dinner and serve it to him with a napkin and a tall glass of milk! UUUGGHHH!!! I'm not skinny anymore, I don't have my halls adorned with family pictures. I'm still sitting here....doing nothing!
.....and scene...
After reading this award winning post to the husband, he replies, "You're a mess".
This really speaks to me....
....What about you? Are you a NO GOOD, VERY BAD MOM?
~stay dizZy
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Thank You!!
Just wanted to say a big thank you for joining me on this wild ride I like to call....dizzy nonsense!! It's all downhill from here...You're welcome!
~stay Fandizzilous
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
I'd Lather Be Soaping! How it all began....
Soap! That's all...just soap!
As you can see, I haven't blogged in quite some time. I've been very bizzy!! My new found love of making soap is quite dizzying really!
Last year I went to visit my parents, and my mamma wanted to teach me how to make soap. She's been making it for about 15 years, and until now I really didn't have much interest. Boy do I wish I would have learned sooner. All these years of wasted energy on searching for "my thing". Here it is...who knew? I love the creative aspect of making soap, and how it's so easy to change it if you don't like it. I was pretty darn excited to be able to make soap for my family.
...then it happened! A friend found out I was making soap and these odd words came out of her mouth...."I'll buy it from you." Whaaaa? I'm thinking, "you'd really do that?" It never occurred to me to sell it. I'm not really the sales person type! But it didn't stop there. Ever time I turned around (hense, why I'm dizzy) someone was asking how much I sell my soaps for. My soaps were pretty much selling themselves. I thought this was crazzzy...and for a moment I thought "wow, this could really be something".
I started to get support from friends and was dumbfounded by the enthusiasm. So really, I just followed everyone else's lead and began making more and more. But I finally came to a fork in the iddy biddy road and had to make a decision. I'm either really in this, or I'm not. Scared...no, terrified, I chose to go for it. It seemed everyone around me was cheering me on and ready for this before I was. I'm so grateful!!
Today I'm now making other things like body butters, sugar scrubs and of coarse tons of soap! I love it...and it seems like the people in my life love it too. And that means the world!!
So I'd like to give special thanks! My 4 "firsts".....
My mom Jeanette who taught me, my friend Stacey McCaleb who spoke it, my friend Jamie Mohamed who bought it, and my friend Stacy Santelli who let me do my first "show". To all of you...I'm grateful!! Thank you for believing in me.
Ok, I'm done yap'n away. But here's some of the fun things I've made. And I look forward to making lot's and lot's more.
I may even have time to work on my grammar.... <<wink>> Hey, I've been doing this blog for a few years now, and most of my follower know I speak gibberish. Why start now?!
Love you my sweet biddy's!! May God help you find your passions and bring people into your life to help you along!!
~stay dizZy
As you can see, I haven't blogged in quite some time. I've been very bizzy!! My new found love of making soap is quite dizzying really!
Last year I went to visit my parents, and my mamma wanted to teach me how to make soap. She's been making it for about 15 years, and until now I really didn't have much interest. Boy do I wish I would have learned sooner. All these years of wasted energy on searching for "my thing". Here it is...who knew? I love the creative aspect of making soap, and how it's so easy to change it if you don't like it. I was pretty darn excited to be able to make soap for my family.
...then it happened! A friend found out I was making soap and these odd words came out of her mouth...."I'll buy it from you." Whaaaa? I'm thinking, "you'd really do that?" It never occurred to me to sell it. I'm not really the sales person type! But it didn't stop there. Ever time I turned around (hense, why I'm dizzy) someone was asking how much I sell my soaps for. My soaps were pretty much selling themselves. I thought this was crazzzy...and for a moment I thought "wow, this could really be something".
I started to get support from friends and was dumbfounded by the enthusiasm. So really, I just followed everyone else's lead and began making more and more. But I finally came to a fork in the iddy biddy road and had to make a decision. I'm either really in this, or I'm not. Scared...no, terrified, I chose to go for it. It seemed everyone around me was cheering me on and ready for this before I was. I'm so grateful!!
Today I'm now making other things like body butters, sugar scrubs and of coarse tons of soap! I love it...and it seems like the people in my life love it too. And that means the world!!
So I'd like to give special thanks! My 4 "firsts".....
My mom Jeanette who taught me, my friend Stacey McCaleb who spoke it, my friend Jamie Mohamed who bought it, and my friend Stacy Santelli who let me do my first "show". To all of you...I'm grateful!! Thank you for believing in me.
Ok, I'm done yap'n away. But here's some of the fun things I've made. And I look forward to making lot's and lot's more.
I may even have time to work on my grammar.... <<wink>> Hey, I've been doing this blog for a few years now, and most of my follower know I speak gibberish. Why start now?!
Love you my sweet biddy's!! May God help you find your passions and bring people into your life to help you along!!
~stay dizZy
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Covers on, covers off!
It's a wonder how I even get any shut eye. Each night begins with loading up my blue lunch cooler with frozen rice bags and blue ice blocks. I swear my body knows when this is happening because the hot flashes start flashing away....flashing alllll the way down the hall to my bedroom.
Seriously....menopause is jacked up! It's miserable, sweaty and exhausting! I'm chalking this day up as a bad one. Sure I take supplements....but they only ease the symptoms, they don't get rid of them.
So I have my cooler filled with my precious, frozen, snuggly bedtime companions in place...ceiling fan on high and have taken the 3rd shower of the day, aiming to get myself as comfortable as possible for the most uncomfortable night ahead. I did finally get smart though and put a small, table fan on my bedside table. That does seem to help...sigh....looking for the positive.
I keep wondering how long am I going to have to endure, what seems to me as pure torture for a woman. I've had woman tell me, "It's not so bad, just laugh your way through it". I'm sorry, LAUGH? There is absolutely nothing funny about your inner core burning up and causing you to sweat all over. You can't get cool to save your life...then minutes later you're chilly. Sucks!!! And the sleep deprivation seriously makes me cry...not giggle.
I'm cranky...moody....sleepy....some day's I'm creating my own seven dwarves all wrapped up in this 41 year old body! Sweaty...loopy...forgetful, and my personal fav....Mrs. Irritable!! Sure....I'll laugh! It's hysterical.
I pray. A lot. All day. Seems I have the same conversation with the Lord every day. Starts a little like..."Jesus, give me the strength today to get through the symptoms as they come and go", and by the end of the day..."Lord, I didn't punch anyone today and I thank you for that. I'm getting ready to go to bed...help me to sleep even if just a bit more than last night".
Then there's the pity party days. The what if's....Like what if I didn't get the hysterectomy...or why did I? I've even told myself how stupid I was to trust what my dr. said. Why didn't I educate myself a little bit more. Years later, I live with regret.
Now, granted, I was pretty sick. I knew "something" had to be done. Just wish I had more options back then. I suppose 10 years later it's silly to look back and be sad. But as I've been dealing with the withdrawals of Estrodial in my system, the instant menopause rears it's ugly head. I've found myself mourning. Yes, I grieve for the lack of estrogen in my body. I miss a strong, thriving, energetic body...knowing I can never go back. Things will never be the same.
I had the hysterectomy 10 yrs ago...so you're probably thinking "why are you just now thinking about all of this?". Well it's because from the day of the surgery, I've been on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I never had a single menopausal symptom, until now.
So frozen rice bags are my new best friend! For now...I just deal and pray this process ends soon. God is good all the time...all the time, God is good.
~stay cool...and stay dizZy
Seriously....menopause is jacked up! It's miserable, sweaty and exhausting! I'm chalking this day up as a bad one. Sure I take supplements....but they only ease the symptoms, they don't get rid of them.
So I have my cooler filled with my precious, frozen, snuggly bedtime companions in place...ceiling fan on high and have taken the 3rd shower of the day, aiming to get myself as comfortable as possible for the most uncomfortable night ahead. I did finally get smart though and put a small, table fan on my bedside table. That does seem to help...sigh....looking for the positive.
I keep wondering how long am I going to have to endure, what seems to me as pure torture for a woman. I've had woman tell me, "It's not so bad, just laugh your way through it". I'm sorry, LAUGH? There is absolutely nothing funny about your inner core burning up and causing you to sweat all over. You can't get cool to save your life...then minutes later you're chilly. Sucks!!! And the sleep deprivation seriously makes me cry...not giggle.
I'm cranky...moody....sleepy....some day's I'm creating my own seven dwarves all wrapped up in this 41 year old body! Sweaty...loopy...forgetful, and my personal fav....Mrs. Irritable!! Sure....I'll laugh! It's hysterical.
I pray. A lot. All day. Seems I have the same conversation with the Lord every day. Starts a little like..."Jesus, give me the strength today to get through the symptoms as they come and go", and by the end of the day..."Lord, I didn't punch anyone today and I thank you for that. I'm getting ready to go to bed...help me to sleep even if just a bit more than last night".
Then there's the pity party days. The what if's....Like what if I didn't get the hysterectomy...or why did I? I've even told myself how stupid I was to trust what my dr. said. Why didn't I educate myself a little bit more. Years later, I live with regret.
Now, granted, I was pretty sick. I knew "something" had to be done. Just wish I had more options back then. I suppose 10 years later it's silly to look back and be sad. But as I've been dealing with the withdrawals of Estrodial in my system, the instant menopause rears it's ugly head. I've found myself mourning. Yes, I grieve for the lack of estrogen in my body. I miss a strong, thriving, energetic body...knowing I can never go back. Things will never be the same.
I had the hysterectomy 10 yrs ago...so you're probably thinking "why are you just now thinking about all of this?". Well it's because from the day of the surgery, I've been on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I never had a single menopausal symptom, until now.
So frozen rice bags are my new best friend! For now...I just deal and pray this process ends soon. God is good all the time...all the time, God is good.
~stay cool...and stay dizZy
Sweet-Butternut Squash Soup
I'm feeling punchy...so if you need to step away from this post, I would do so now.
Fall is right around the corner...but for Arizona, fall means people go from shorts to jeans, but they still wear flip flops. They start talking about pumpkin lattes at Charbucks (formerly know as Starbucks) when it's still 99* outside. Yes, Arizonan's are a strange breed. Our 73 degree morning weather prompts a light sweater for us that are jealous of the folks in parts of the country where it's legitimate. Winter here bring's out people who wear sweatshirts with shorts...or tank tops with jeans. We're either confused or strive for the best of both worlds. Ah well, such is life!!
We are drawing near to Halloween and Thanksgiving. You would not know that by the wall to wall Christmas decorations at Wallymart (formerly known as Walmart). So I'm jumping on board the "Fall is here" crazzay train and decided to put my hand in at making a homemade soup. Hey, if I don't jump on board, I'll get left behind and before I know it I'll be shopping for Valentines day the day after Christmas. We're so confused....moving along...
So I LOVE me some butternut squash...could eat it all the time! Therefore, I put my little biddy brain to work. The way I do?...turn to giggle (formerly known as google). I found many recipes for butternut squash soup, and most were very basic, which is my style. Some were too complicated which goes against everything I believe in. DOH!
TA-DAH!!! I found this recipe and did what my mamma always taught me...improvise!! I wanted to make it my own. Sure anyone could find a recipe on fakebook (formerly known as facebook) and "share" it. GUILTY!!! But I wanted my own darn it!! MINE!!!!
I am soooo giddy with this recipe. It reminds me of a Cajun Thanksgiving! ...ok, weird. But we love Cajun food...so for the husband, I added that little twist. Hey, us biddy's love a happy man, right...right? But there are a couple of other twists I think you might like. Oh yes....there's twists and turns like the days of our dizzy lives. {{giggle}}
Let's get this started!!
Sweet-Butternut Squash Soup
1 Butternut squash (duh) Cubed
1 Medium White Onion,Chopped, not diced
1 Large or 2 small Carrots, peeled, rough chopped
1 Large Sweet Potato, peeled and cubed
1 Medium Gala or Granny Smith Apple, peeled & cubed
2 1/2 cups Chicken Stock
1 14oz can of Light Coconut Milk
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
1/2 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/8 Tsp Chipotle Chile Pepper Seasoning
1/2 Tbsp Orange zest (added after puree)
Sea Salt to taste...but wait till the very end.
Add all ingredients to a large pot or Crock Pot (Slow Cooker if you're type A) For stove top: Med-Low....for the crock pot: Low. Cook for approx. 4 hours, stirring occasionally.
I cooked mine on the stove...but I actually brought it to a light simmer first then turned the heat way down. It was ready for the next step right at 4hrs.
Next, you can either use that fancy gadget that purees food right in the pot called an immersion hand blender, OR what I used was my large food processor. Either way...you need to get all those yummy ingredients pulverized!!
I used a large slotted ladle to get all the large chunks out and then just put that directly into the food processor. Do not discard the liquid in your pot!! No, no, no!! If you do, then you will just end up with baby food, not soup.
Blend on high until everything is creamy, then pour everything back into your pot and mix well with the liquid.
Now, add the orange zest and cook for another 10 minutes. Then for the best part...taste it!! You may need to season it with salt. I did...and used about 1 Tsp of sea salt. But you season it to your taste. If you wanted it spicier, add a little pinch more of Chipotle Seasoning...but trust me when I say...a little goes a long way.
I happened to be cooking a roast in my crockaroo that day...so I decided to top my soup with slices of that juicy meat. It was perfect!! If that's not your style, try bacon or turkey breast for a more Thanksgiving feel.
Hope you enjoy this recipe!! It was really fun to create something that will be in our family for a long time. With that said...it's time for me to hang up my bikini and pick up that mug of hot cocoa and let "fall" begin!!
God bless you sweet biddy's, and stay dizZy!
Fall is right around the corner...but for Arizona, fall means people go from shorts to jeans, but they still wear flip flops. They start talking about pumpkin lattes at Charbucks (formerly know as Starbucks) when it's still 99* outside. Yes, Arizonan's are a strange breed. Our 73 degree morning weather prompts a light sweater for us that are jealous of the folks in parts of the country where it's legitimate. Winter here bring's out people who wear sweatshirts with shorts...or tank tops with jeans. We're either confused or strive for the best of both worlds. Ah well, such is life!!
We are drawing near to Halloween and Thanksgiving. You would not know that by the wall to wall Christmas decorations at Wallymart (formerly known as Walmart). So I'm jumping on board the "Fall is here" crazzay train and decided to put my hand in at making a homemade soup. Hey, if I don't jump on board, I'll get left behind and before I know it I'll be shopping for Valentines day the day after Christmas. We're so confused....moving along...
So I LOVE me some butternut squash...could eat it all the time! Therefore, I put my little biddy brain to work. The way I do?...turn to giggle (formerly known as google). I found many recipes for butternut squash soup, and most were very basic, which is my style. Some were too complicated which goes against everything I believe in. DOH!
TA-DAH!!! I found this recipe and did what my mamma always taught me...improvise!! I wanted to make it my own. Sure anyone could find a recipe on fakebook (formerly known as facebook) and "share" it. GUILTY!!! But I wanted my own darn it!! MINE!!!!
I am soooo giddy with this recipe. It reminds me of a Cajun Thanksgiving! ...ok, weird. But we love Cajun food...so for the husband, I added that little twist. Hey, us biddy's love a happy man, right...right? But there are a couple of other twists I think you might like. Oh yes....there's twists and turns like the days of our dizzy lives. {{giggle}}
Let's get this started!!
Sweet-Butternut Squash Soup
1 Butternut squash (duh) Cubed
1 Medium White Onion,Chopped, not diced
1 Large or 2 small Carrots, peeled, rough chopped
1 Large Sweet Potato, peeled and cubed
1 Medium Gala or Granny Smith Apple, peeled & cubed
2 1/2 cups Chicken Stock
1 14oz can of Light Coconut Milk
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
1/2 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/8 Tsp Chipotle Chile Pepper Seasoning
1/2 Tbsp Orange zest (added after puree)
Sea Salt to taste...but wait till the very end.
Add all ingredients to a large pot or Crock Pot (Slow Cooker if you're type A) For stove top: Med-Low....for the crock pot: Low. Cook for approx. 4 hours, stirring occasionally.
I cooked mine on the stove...but I actually brought it to a light simmer first then turned the heat way down. It was ready for the next step right at 4hrs.
Next, you can either use that fancy gadget that purees food right in the pot called an immersion hand blender, OR what I used was my large food processor. Either way...you need to get all those yummy ingredients pulverized!!
I used a large slotted ladle to get all the large chunks out and then just put that directly into the food processor. Do not discard the liquid in your pot!! No, no, no!! If you do, then you will just end up with baby food, not soup.
Blend on high until everything is creamy, then pour everything back into your pot and mix well with the liquid.
Now, add the orange zest and cook for another 10 minutes. Then for the best part...taste it!! You may need to season it with salt. I did...and used about 1 Tsp of sea salt. But you season it to your taste. If you wanted it spicier, add a little pinch more of Chipotle Seasoning...but trust me when I say...a little goes a long way.
I happened to be cooking a roast in my crockaroo that day...so I decided to top my soup with slices of that juicy meat. It was perfect!! If that's not your style, try bacon or turkey breast for a more Thanksgiving feel.
Hope you enjoy this recipe!! It was really fun to create something that will be in our family for a long time. With that said...it's time for me to hang up my bikini and pick up that mug of hot cocoa and let "fall" begin!!
God bless you sweet biddy's, and stay dizZy!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Paleo Cacoa Banana Bites
I am not a professed Paleoholic...but I've been know to throw that word around here lately. Mostly I just eat as clean as I can. But even I get a hankerin (yes, I said it....hankerin!) for chocolate. So I did a little research online and found several recipes for these chocolate dipped bananas. Of coarse, I put my own dizzy spin on it...but the moment I think I'm clever...I find it's already been done. Figures! Oh well...after all, I am the newbie here. What do I know?
Anyway...this isn't rocket science. It's a chocolate covered banana. Geez....
Here we go!
Paleo Cacoa Banana Bites:
1-2 bananas - peeled and cut into 1 to 1 1/2 inch lengths
1 1/2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Raw Cacoa powder (I use Navita brand)
2 Tbsp Dark Chocolate Chips
Almond butter
Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
Step 1: Peel and cut your banana into 1 to 1 1/2 inch pieces.
Then cut them again down the center....lengthways.
Step 2: Spread a tsp of almond butter between the banana
pieces, like you're going to make a sandwhich. Stick
the 2 halves together and set aside. Do this with all of
your 1 inch pieces. You should have 5 or 6 mini
banana sandwiches when your done...unless you
nibbled. In that case...carry on.
Step 3: Set the bananas on a piece of parchment paper and
put them in the freezer for about 2 hours.
......this is where you wait....and wait.....and wait. You COULD get your dizzy on and shake it. Sure...kill some time, dance around the kitchen...bust your move. I don't judge.
Step 4: In a double boiler add the coconut oil and cacoa
powder and chips...turn your heat on to medium-
high. Start stirring until its melted and creamy.
(I didn't have a double boiler...so I improvised. It's not pretty...it's quite sad really. But it worked!)
Step 5: Get those frozen banana bad boys outa the freezer.
Dip one in at a time...covering it completely with
chocolate. Spoon it out and set it on the parchment
paper. If you want the shredded coconut...sprinkle it
immediately. The bananas are frozen, so the
chocolate tends to set up pretty quickly.
Repeat this step for each banana.
Step 6: Put back in the freezer for another 20 min. OR if you're like me...eat pronto!!
Like after all that work, who wants to put them back in the freezer? But whatever....
Easy peasy....right? Enjoy biddy's!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Not Your Mamma's Menopause!
Sit down mamma...I have a lot to say. To my right is my 16oz coffee mug filled to the brim (of coffee, duh)...to my left is an extra large box of tissues whom I lovingly call shnookie! ...Don't judge! Oh and let's not leave out my trusty table fan...can't leave him out!
10 yrs ago, when I was 31, I had a complete hysterectomy. Yep, they took the pipes and the kitchen sink. Unfortunately, back then I wasn't given a lot of options to deal with my endometriosis and so I blindly trusted my soon to retire dr. Immediately after the surgery I was prescribed Estrodial, a hormone replacement therapy. I asked my doctor, how long I should take it? His response..."How long do you want to stay young and beautiful?" There were no warnings or guidelines given...just take it! I have to say, that the last 10 yrs have been great...no hot flashes, nor any signs of menopause at all. Easy breezy!
After much research on my magic little pill I realized that most patients who are put on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) only take it for 3-5 years, and it's for woman much later in years who are going through menopause naturally. HRT isn't meant to be taken for the rest of your life. I finally wised up and decided to wean myself off of this pill. I started July 1st and it's been a week and a half since my last dose.
Which brings me to today. Life sucks! There...I said it!
Here I am at age (hec-hem) 41 and I'm in INSTANT MENOPAUSE. No grace period...no gradual hints of a changing body. BAM....hot flashes in full force, sleepless nights, fatigue. The stress my body is under is incredible. I have never felt this bad.
Let me just give you but a glimpse of what a hot flash feels like...here's my combination...bare with me.
One minute you are perfectly fine...feeling good...then..
a warm tingly sensation starts at your core (kind of like when you have a fever) then moves to your chest,arms and neck
immediately followed by what I like to call "the oven door". Imagine opening a hot oven..ya know like when that heat first hits your skin...ya...booooo! Then the feeling of pressure in your forehead and temples.
Followed by instant wet sticky skin...sorry, that sounds gross...and it is! I'm talking about the tops of your arms and your neck and belly. It only lasts for about a minute or two
One miserable hot flash!
Now, you're thinking "Only a minute or two..that's not bad" Ya, now repeat that about ever couple of hours throughout the day. After going thru this over and over...bouts of fatigue set in.
At night? That's an entirely different story. I decided to make a record of a typical night in the life of "hot flash dizzy"....(HF=Hot flash)
8pm - HF,
kick off all the covers because I'm sweat'n...2 min later I'm freezing...cover back up (repeat after every hot flash)
9pm- Headache...took Excedrin
9:30- HF
10:30-HF - Worst one...this one made me cry, didn't go back
to sleep till about 10:50pm
12am- HF - not so bad
3:15am - HF...by this time I'm exhausted
4:25am - HF
5:45am - Headache...never went back to sleep.
Not every night is this bad...but this week I had 2 nights in a row that were like this and it completely wiped me out! It's not fun.
You're prolly think'n..."wow, dizzy's a whiner". Um...duh!! I'll take it. It sucks that bad. That's why this is my blog and I can write what I want to! {insert, sticking out my tongue in a childish manner} But the purpose in sharing this..is to hopefully help or encourage others who are in similar circumstances. You are not alone. In fact, my twin sister Shelley (Holla) is going through the same thing, and it has helped me so much being able to vent and grumble to her.
I've also resulted to supplements. A couple of weeks ago, while I was at the end of the weaning process, I bought Estroven (Found at Sprouts and Trader Joe's). It seemed to help because I was taking it on the off days when I wasn't taking the Estrodial. I thought..."wow, I got this".
I was in for a rude awakening. Now being completely off the Estrodial...my body's like "What?" The Estroven isn't cutting it. So yesterday I bought Evening Primrose oil in gel caps. Just started taking it along with the Estroven...so I can't really say if it's making a difference yet. But I'm hopeful.
I would much rather supplement with natural/herbal remedies than anything synthetic. I guess lil dizzy grew up and finally started to pay attention to the warnings people give. Ok...not on all things. I'm still quite stubborn and usually do things the hard way. But I'm quicker to listen up than I use to. The biggest thing I've learned in this painful process...do your research. That was something I would never do before. It sounded boring, and a waste of time. Boy was I ever wrong.
Here's the thing. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I work out daily, eat about 90% Paleo ( I say that cuz I'm not really "paleo"...but darn close. I don't like labels) I'm doing all that I can to help my body function the best that it can. I believe in the Word of God when it says our body is a temple. God gave me this body...I should care for it.
With that said...the hormone/menopause thing...ya, totally out of my control. I also realized today, that I don't pray enough about it. God is in control...He created woman. He knows exactly what I'm dealing with, so I should pray more often.
I've committed to leaning on Him during those times of weakness. During the really hard times (and the not-so-hard times). If it matters to me...it most certainly matters to Him. He cares about my struggles, He cares about the condition of my heart...and He undoubtedly cares about my physical well being.
I will get through this unpleasant transition...how long will it take...who knows? But it won't be forever...so for today, I'll ride this emotional and physical roller coaster, knowing this does have an ending (after a few loopedy-loops!) ...I may or may not toss my gluten free cookies...no tell'n. <<wink>>
....Aaaah...this felt good. Thanks for reading, I hope you were encouraged. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to pop a primrose and stand in a cold shower!
God bless!
~stay dizzy
10 yrs ago, when I was 31, I had a complete hysterectomy. Yep, they took the pipes and the kitchen sink. Unfortunately, back then I wasn't given a lot of options to deal with my endometriosis and so I blindly trusted my soon to retire dr. Immediately after the surgery I was prescribed Estrodial, a hormone replacement therapy. I asked my doctor, how long I should take it? His response..."How long do you want to stay young and beautiful?" There were no warnings or guidelines given...just take it! I have to say, that the last 10 yrs have been great...no hot flashes, nor any signs of menopause at all. Easy breezy!
After much research on my magic little pill I realized that most patients who are put on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) only take it for 3-5 years, and it's for woman much later in years who are going through menopause naturally. HRT isn't meant to be taken for the rest of your life. I finally wised up and decided to wean myself off of this pill. I started July 1st and it's been a week and a half since my last dose.
Which brings me to today. Life sucks! There...I said it!
Here I am at age (hec-hem) 41 and I'm in INSTANT MENOPAUSE. No grace period...no gradual hints of a changing body. BAM....hot flashes in full force, sleepless nights, fatigue. The stress my body is under is incredible. I have never felt this bad.
Let me just give you but a glimpse of what a hot flash feels like...here's my combination...bare with me.
One minute you are perfectly fine...feeling good...then..
a warm tingly sensation starts at your core (kind of like when you have a fever) then moves to your chest,arms and neck
immediately followed by what I like to call "the oven door". Imagine opening a hot oven..ya know like when that heat first hits your skin...ya...booooo! Then the feeling of pressure in your forehead and temples.
Followed by instant wet sticky skin...sorry, that sounds gross...and it is! I'm talking about the tops of your arms and your neck and belly. It only lasts for about a minute or two
One miserable hot flash!
Now, you're thinking "Only a minute or two..that's not bad" Ya, now repeat that about ever couple of hours throughout the day. After going thru this over and over...bouts of fatigue set in.
At night? That's an entirely different story. I decided to make a record of a typical night in the life of "hot flash dizzy"....(HF=Hot flash)
8pm - HF,
kick off all the covers because I'm sweat'n...2 min later I'm freezing...cover back up (repeat after every hot flash)
9pm- Headache...took Excedrin
9:30- HF
10:30-HF - Worst one...this one made me cry, didn't go back
to sleep till about 10:50pm
12am- HF - not so bad
3:15am - HF...by this time I'm exhausted
4:25am - HF
5:45am - Headache...never went back to sleep.
Not every night is this bad...but this week I had 2 nights in a row that were like this and it completely wiped me out! It's not fun.
You're prolly think'n..."wow, dizzy's a whiner". Um...duh!! I'll take it. It sucks that bad. That's why this is my blog and I can write what I want to! {insert, sticking out my tongue in a childish manner} But the purpose in sharing this..is to hopefully help or encourage others who are in similar circumstances. You are not alone. In fact, my twin sister Shelley (Holla) is going through the same thing, and it has helped me so much being able to vent and grumble to her.
I've also resulted to supplements. A couple of weeks ago, while I was at the end of the weaning process, I bought Estroven (Found at Sprouts and Trader Joe's). It seemed to help because I was taking it on the off days when I wasn't taking the Estrodial. I thought..."wow, I got this".
Here's the thing. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I work out daily, eat about 90% Paleo ( I say that cuz I'm not really "paleo"...but darn close. I don't like labels) I'm doing all that I can to help my body function the best that it can. I believe in the Word of God when it says our body is a temple. God gave me this body...I should care for it.
With that said...the hormone/menopause thing...ya, totally out of my control. I also realized today, that I don't pray enough about it. God is in control...He created woman. He knows exactly what I'm dealing with, so I should pray more often.
I've committed to leaning on Him during those times of weakness. During the really hard times (and the not-so-hard times). If it matters to me...it most certainly matters to Him. He cares about my struggles, He cares about the condition of my heart...and He undoubtedly cares about my physical well being.
I will get through this unpleasant transition...how long will it take...who knows? But it won't be forever...so for today, I'll ride this emotional and physical roller coaster, knowing this does have an ending (after a few loopedy-loops!) ...I may or may not toss my gluten free cookies...no tell'n. <<wink>>
....Aaaah...this felt good. Thanks for reading, I hope you were encouraged. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to pop a primrose and stand in a cold shower!
God bless!
~stay dizzy
Monday, July 22, 2013
Holy Tilapia Batman!
Me oh my...I'm super pumped about this one! Grilled tilapia and salad were on the menu for dinner tonight and, well, I was seriously not looking forward to it. Not because I don't like fish...but because it sounded boring. Yep, boring!
My diet the last 2 weeks has been very lean and clean...and at times dull....oh who am I kidding, at times it's been blec!
PLEASE, not another piece of chicken next to a salad!!!!! C'mon people! So glad I got that off my chest!
Anywho...I put my dizzy brain to work, cuz that's how I do, and came up with the most brilliant recipe. All on my own, no less! Totally impressed the husband and now...you all! Ok, maybe you won't be...but don't tell me, I'll cry!
SO....here's our new fav at the dizzy house!! Hope you like it too!
Grilled Almond Crusted Tilapia
4-5 Tilapia Filets
3/4 C. Almond Meal
2 Tbsp Chopped fresh Basil (or 1 Tbsp dried)
1 Tbsp Your favorite seasoning blend. I used McCormick
Grill Mates Roasted Garlic & Herb (yum)
1/4 C. Pure Olive Oil
First, lay your filets out on a plate and brush each side with olive oil.
Next, in a shallow dish or plate, mix together the almond meal, seasonings and basil.
Last, take one filet at a time and lay it in the almond meal mixture. Gently turn over to coat the other side. I purposefully didn't pack it on there. Just a light coating on each side.
Time to grill!! I didn't really time it...but I think it took about 8 or 9 min on each side. They cook quick, so you'll have to watch it.
That's it baby cakes...I hope you try it!! Tell me what you think?
God bless you as you prepare your meals for your love'd ones. Cherish that time with them and know you are love'd by me too.
Stay dizzy!
My diet the last 2 weeks has been very lean and clean...and at times dull....oh who am I kidding, at times it's been blec!
PLEASE, not another piece of chicken next to a salad!!!!! C'mon people! So glad I got that off my chest!
Anywho...I put my dizzy brain to work, cuz that's how I do, and came up with the most brilliant recipe. All on my own, no less! Totally impressed the husband and now...you all! Ok, maybe you won't be...but don't tell me, I'll cry!
SO....here's our new fav at the dizzy house!! Hope you like it too!
Grilled Almond Crusted Tilapia
4-5 Tilapia Filets
3/4 C. Almond Meal
2 Tbsp Chopped fresh Basil (or 1 Tbsp dried)
1 Tbsp Your favorite seasoning blend. I used McCormick
Grill Mates Roasted Garlic & Herb (yum)
1/4 C. Pure Olive Oil
First, lay your filets out on a plate and brush each side with olive oil.
Next, in a shallow dish or plate, mix together the almond meal, seasonings and basil.
Last, take one filet at a time and lay it in the almond meal mixture. Gently turn over to coat the other side. I purposefully didn't pack it on there. Just a light coating on each side.
Time to grill!! I didn't really time it...but I think it took about 8 or 9 min on each side. They cook quick, so you'll have to watch it.
That's it baby cakes...I hope you try it!! Tell me what you think?
God bless you as you prepare your meals for your love'd ones. Cherish that time with them and know you are love'd by me too.
Stay dizzy!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Scotch Eggs
I'm so glad my sista shared this recipe with me. Eating egg after egg after egg....(you get the idea) gets old and finding new ways of preparing them is hard to find.
If you're looking for a quick snack or something new for breakfast, these couldn't be easier to make. With that said, they are very filling! Could barely finish 1 of them. I really don't have much more to say about this....let's get to it!!
Scotch Eggs -
Recipe courtesy of Jan's Sushi Bar
1 1/2 pounds Italian Turkey Sausage
8 Peeled Hard Boiled Eggs
1 Cup Almond Flour
Preheat Oven to 350*
First, pour the almond flour onto a large plate and set aside
Then, line a cookie sheet with foil.
Press sausage around each egg, completely and evenly covering the egg, then set aside until all eggs are covered.
Last, take each covered egg and roll in the almond flour. The original recipe says to roll the egg in the flour a couple of times...but I chose to only do that one time. Almond flour can add unneeded calories. No, no, no...we don't need that!!
Bake for 20-25 minutes
Remove them from the oven, and let rest for 5 min.
You can serve with mustard, horseradish, or cocktail sauce.
If you're looking for a quick snack or something new for breakfast, these couldn't be easier to make. With that said, they are very filling! Could barely finish 1 of them. I really don't have much more to say about this....let's get to it!!
Scotch Eggs -
Recipe courtesy of Jan's Sushi Bar
1 1/2 pounds Italian Turkey Sausage
8 Peeled Hard Boiled Eggs
1 Cup Almond Flour
Preheat Oven to 350*
First, pour the almond flour onto a large plate and set aside
Then, line a cookie sheet with foil.
Press sausage around each egg, completely and evenly covering the egg, then set aside until all eggs are covered.
Last, take each covered egg and roll in the almond flour. The original recipe says to roll the egg in the flour a couple of times...but I chose to only do that one time. Almond flour can add unneeded calories. No, no, no...we don't need that!!
Bake for 20-25 minutes
Remove them from the oven, and let rest for 5 min.
You can serve with mustard, horseradish, or cocktail sauce.
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